I have a corsica and it is a stick and my daughter refuses to drive a stick we would like to know how much it would be to change it to an automatic or if it is even possible? PLEASE HELP!!!How much does it cost to change a manual car to an automatic?Ok, lets take a realistic standpoint on this. Cost.
You'll need a donor car. Because you will need the transmission, possibly the radiator, new computer, transmission computer, wiring harness, pedal assembly, possibly rerouting of the fuel lines, parts to install the shifter in the car, flex-plate and torque converter, and that's just naming some of the larger parts you will need. The parts list will be much longer then that.
Now, you will have to have someone who is willing to do this. So you'll likely have to take it to a shop. And if you can find a shop who is willing to do this and warranty the work, then the price after everything is said and done, will be more then you would spend buying a vehicle with an automatic transmission.
When you get a number of people who say the best bet is to buy a vehicle with an automatic transmission, its because we know what is entailed (I have done a couple swaps, mainly for my OWN vehicles) and we know what you'll pay for a shop to do the work. We are here to try to offer our advice and give you some foresight from our experience.
Now, as far as what you do concerning your daughter, that's your choice, and I'd not presume to tell you what to do. However, I will tell you, when I was growing up, if my parents had gotten me a vehicle and I %26quot;refused to drive it because its a stick%26quot;, I'd have had the snot smacked out of me and not had a vehicle. Its my opinion that your daughter should be more grateful that you even got her a vehicle, many kids have parents that cannot or would not get their children a vehicle.
However, my advice to you is to either convince your daughter to learn to drive stick, or find a vehicle that has an automatic transmission already. The cost of changing yours will FAR outweigh the benefit.
I'm sorry, I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but that's the way it is. Good Luck and if you have any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me at scottcollins1983@yahoo.comHow much does it cost to change a manual car to an automatic?tell her to stop crying and learn, thats what my dad said and now i love standard, i refuse to drive automatic.
and i have no idea how much it would cost, i'd have to say your best bet is to buy another car...How much does it cost to change a manual car to an automatic?I totally agree with Heather, on a car like that, not worth it to do the work. Find another car.How much does it cost to change a manual car to an automatic?if you can find good deals on the parts from a salvage yard or just people who have spare used parts...probably around $1,500. thats just for parts. i would expect at least $700 for labor IF everything went right the first time. it might be better to get a new car, it just depends on how much money you would lose doing a tranny swap vs. getting a new car.How much does it cost to change a manual car to an automatic?consider that you will have to buy the tourque converter,flywheel,tansmission,computer to run it,wiring harness,steering column,axles and on and on