What are the steps and how much does it cost to change everything, Drivers Lic., Social Securty etcHow much does it cost to change your name in california?The filing fee depends on the court where the petition would be filed. The fee in LA Superior Court is $355 unless the petitioner is on public assistance then the fee is waived.
You can get the forms here: http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/feesnet/p
Social security card name change is free. See http://ssa-custhelp.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/ssa.
To change your drivers license the fee is $25. See http://dmv.ca.gov/dl/fees/driverlicense_
To amend your birth certificate the fee is $20. See http://www.cdph.ca.gov/certlic/birthdeat
As part of the process you must publish the Order to Show Cause in the newspaper. The exact cost will be set by the paper:
%26quot;Publishing the Order to Show Cause
In most cases, a copy of the Order to Show Cause must be published in a local newspaper of general circulation once a week for at least four consecutive weeks before the date of the hearing. The petitioner selects the newspaper from among those newspapers legally qualified to publish orders and notices. The newspaper used must file a Proof of Publication with the superior court before the hearing. If no newspaper of general circulation is published in the county, the court may order the Order to Show Cause to be posted by the clerk. But petitioners do not have to publish the order if they are participants in (1) the State Witness Program or (2) in the address confidentiality program and the petition alleges that they are (a) petitioning to avoid domestic
violence, or (b) petitioning to avoid stalking, or (c) the petitioner is, or is filing on behalf of, a victim of sexual assault.%26quot;